The I-405/Brickyard to SR 527 Improvement Project lies primarily in Bothell on Interstate 405 (I-405), starting just south of the State Route 522 interchange and ending at the SR 527 interchange. Improvements will include increased express toll lane (ETL) capacity and direct access to state highways. This includes building one new express toll lane in each direction between south of SR 522 and SR 527 (extending the existing dual express toll lane system), widening I-405 through the SR 522 interchange, and building direct access ramps to the express toll lanes at SR 522, and a partial direct access interchange at SR 527 to and from the south connecting to the Canyon Park Park and Ride.

The team will also improve connections to regional transit service at both the UW Bothell Station (SR 522) and the park and ride at Canyon Park (SR 527) and add a new transit-only Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station to connect to Sound Transit’s BRT service along the I-405 corridor, improving connections to the existing park and ride. The project will include additional local roadway improvements, fish barrier corrections, noise walls, and new stormwater facilities. PacRim is responsible for sign structures, utility support, structural design of the Queensborough I-405 fish passage, and bridge modifications in SR 522 which involved converting the existing bridge to a pedestrian bridge.