LAWA looks to create Gold Star LAX Cargo Facilities that will optimize cargo land footprint and co-locate compatible facilities, improve truck staging, and develop a conceptual design for CMP to support the initiation of the environmental process. The proposed 2-story Facility with direct airside access is approximately 1.6M sq ft floor space and has automated vertical and horizontal material handling options. The proposed Truck Staging Lot and Support Facilities at off-airport sites consist of a truck management system to reduce truck idling times, congestion mitigation to potentially reduce truck emissions, and amenities such as food services, a gym, training rooms and other conveniences

PacRim’s scope includes a summary of structural loads for the West Century second-story level truck deck; and the beginning of 10% design of structural framing and columns, particularly as it relates to coordinating with truck maneuvering around columns that support the truck deck. The structural loading information will be provided to the geotechnical engineers to assist in their analysis and development of preliminary geotechnical recommendations for the 10% design. LA Community Partners and PGAL will continue to coordinate on other 10% design-level tasks.